Welcome to Tabernacle of David Global Foundation

Our Story

Tabernacle of David Global Foundation

It's formation was inspired by the real need (following the 11 year gruesome rebel war in Sierra Leone that left hundreds of children parentless) for refuge for orphans during that period, and similar high numbers of orphans today; to live in relative safety in a loving and caring environment where they will receive health, education and social care support to develop them into law-abiding nation buildersof tomorrow.

Our Mission

MISSION: To provide safe, secure, sustainable refuge and education for disadvantaged children - particularly orphans, in Sierra Leone.

Our Vission

VISION:To alleviate the plight of disadvantaged children in Sierra Leone so they can enjoy a happy fulfilling life surrounded by love and tender loving care.


Apostle Faith Miracle P Fisher


Pastor Gladys C Boahene


Pastor John Romeo Harding


Dr Linda Marie Mosely Delaney


Tinashe Frank Gombiro


Augustine Willie


Make an impact.
Save lives.

Our Causes

Child Feeding

This programme has existed from 2018. It is our intention to expand the provision of feeding needy children to more child beneficiaries, subject to funding.

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Increasing access to safe drinking water

Many deaths in Sierra Leone of typhoid and other water borne diseases are caused by lack to access to safe drinking water. TBGF plans to increase access to safe drinking water by providing chlorinated boreholes with hand pumps for the worst affected communities.

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Get in touch

Apostle Faith Miracle P Fisher


Contact form

Or, you can just send an email: tabernacleofdavid22@gmail.com